The 2015 ASAP Walk and Roll for a Cure was held on Saturday, September 19th at the Bretton Woods Recreation Center in Germantown, Maryland. By all accounts, the event was a tremendous success. Molly Lichtenstein, who organized and coordinated the event, with support from ASAP President Patrice Schaublin and former board member John Caemmerer , could not have been happier with the results.

“We had perfect weather, a beautiful venue, and a great turnout”, she said. “I could not have been happier with the way things turned out.” Patrice started things off with some brief introductory comments to explain the history of the ASAP organization, as well as providing the audience with some facts about Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia, followed by some thoughts from John as to why this cause is so important to him. Molly added a few of her own thoughts on what it is like to live with these conditions, and then it was time to walk. Once everyone had completed the walk, a raffle and a silent auction were held, in order to raise more money for research and awareness.

Between donations, walk registration, corporate sponsorships, and proceeds from the raffle and silent auction, we were able to raise more than $20,000, as well as increase awareness of these rare conditions. “As anyone who suffers from a rare disease knows all too well, one of the biggest challenges in getting treatment and improving the way you feel is finding doctors who know anything about the condition”, Molly said. “I am very proud and excited to be able to contribute to the research efforts by raising money and organizing events like this one to increase awareness. “I am also extremely grateful to all the people who have been so generous, compassionate, and supportive by donating money and volunteering their time to help with the walk.” “Now, it’s time for a much-needed rest, and then, in early 2016, it will be time to start planning for next year’s walk!”