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1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P.
ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988



24 01, 2010

Syrinx Shunts

By |2020-01-14T11:54:00-06:00January 24th, 2010|Medical Articles, Treatment|

by John Jane Jr., MD

What are the different types of syrinx shunting procedures?

In general, a “shunt” is any procedure that diverts fluid from one space to another. For a syrinx shunt, the fluid is diverted from the syrinx into another space where the fluid can […]

2 12, 2009

Spinal Taps

By |2013-12-02T14:59:20-06:00December 2nd, 2009|Medical Articles, Treatment|

A lumbar puncture (spinal tap) is a procedure in which spinal fluid is removed from the subarachnoid space in the lumbar region of the spine. It is often ordered to check for infection, rule out certain diseases, or to detect and/or treat elevations in spinal [...]

2 12, 2009

Cine MRI

By |2013-11-08T14:59:57-06:00December 2nd, 2009|Medical Articles, Treatment|

Cine MRI (as in cinema) is taken the same way a traditional MRI is, with the addition of either a wristband or EKG leads on the patient’s chest to measure the heart rate. Each time your heart beats, the cerebrospinal fluid is forced out of [...]

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