CM1/S Study Participation

The Duke Molecular Physiology Institute (DMPI), formerly the Duke Center for Human Genetics, is actively recruiting families who have TWO OR MORE family members with Chiari type 1 malformation, with or without syringomyelia. These family members must be related to each other by blood, and BOTH must be willing to participate.

Study participation involves these steps:

Contact the study coordinator.
Provide blood samples from family members both with and without CM1.
Answer questions about family and medical history.
Complete a medical questionnaire.
Review of medical records and MRIs to confirm the diagnosis of CM1
Potentially ask other degree family members (parents, siblings, children) to participate in the study.

If your family meets these criteria and is willing to participate in the study, please contact the study coordinator.

CM1/S Study Coordinator
Heidi Cope, MS, CGC
Phone: (919) 684-0655