1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P.
ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988




24 09, 2013

Keeping a pain journal

By |2013-11-11T14:41:18-06:00September 24th, 2013|ASAP NEWS|

If you have chronic pain keeping a pain journal can be a valuable tool. Keep track of your pain levels, triggers and occurrence. Make notes during the day when your pain is better and worse. Describe the type of pain (ache, burning, pressure, deep […]

18 09, 2013


By |2017-01-27T09:01:50-06:00September 18th, 2013|ASAP NEWS|

Those facing a condition that can drastically change their lives need support. Often it comes in the form of a stranger. It is hard for those who do not have a disorder to fully understand but someone who shares the condition even if […]

19 08, 2013

Children with CM/SM

By |2013-09-18T19:47:45-05:00August 19th, 2013|ASAP NEWS|

Over the years I have often been told by adults that they did not realize daily headaches were abnormal. They were hesitant to share their symptoms with others for fear of being different or causing their parents anxiety. For most children it is […]

19 08, 2013


By |2013-09-18T19:48:09-05:00August 19th, 2013|ASAP NEWS|

Recycling is a requirement in many cities. But have you ever considered recycling unused medication or old medical equipment? We know that we should not keep medication around that we no longer use. But instead of flushing it down the toilet where […]

19 08, 2013

Chiari & Syringomyelia

By |2013-08-19T14:39:51-05:00August 19th, 2013|ASAP NEWS|

Have you ever wondered why Chiari is capitalized and syringomyelia is not? It is not grammatically correct to capitalize the names of disorders or diseases. However Chiari malformation was named after a researcher which is why it is capitalized. Professor Chiari first […]

28 12, 2012

Giving Pain A Name

By |2012-12-28T13:34:18-06:00December 28th, 2012|ASAP NEWS|

Here are some words to help when trying to describe your pain to you doctor.

Achy – if a part of your body feels achy, you feel a pain there that is continuous but not very strong
Acute- used for describing pain that is very strong and […]

28 12, 2012

Counting the years

By |2012-12-28T13:33:01-06:00December 28th, 2012|ASAP NEWS|

When I came to work for ASAP almost 23 years ago, I never imagined how much this job would affect my life. One thing for sure I never expected I would still be here after all this time. Mostly becasue I thought they would find […]

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