1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

1.800.ASAP.282 | [email protected]

We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P.
ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988




20 09, 2012

Give Comfort, Improve a Life

By |2012-12-28T18:25:58-06:00September 20th, 2012|ASAP NEWS|

Shop from your seat, not on your feet. ASAP is pleased to announce a new Holiday Season Event. Give comfort to someone’s life with a set of high quality microfiber sheets equivalent […]

28 08, 2012

Affordable Care Act

By |2012-12-28T18:26:19-06:00August 28th, 2012|ASAP NEWS|

I was asked to repeat this message. September 23, 2010 marks the six-month anniversary of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). It also ushers in a new set of insurance reforms that will enable more children and families to […]

19 01, 2012

First Step in Potential Treatment

By |2013-01-02T13:57:25-06:00January 19th, 2012|ASAP NEWS, Medical Articles, News|

Researchers from the University of Central Florida have created cells that protect nerves in the brain and spinal cord. The cells were developed from umbilical cord blood stem cells and could have applications the treatment of spinal cord injury and other nervous system diseases. […]

12 01, 2012


By |2013-01-02T13:59:32-06:00January 12th, 2012|ASAP NEWS|

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) is a federal law that protects individuals from genetic discrimination (i.e. being treated unfairly because of differences in their DNA that increase their risk for disease). Enacted in 2008, GINA protects from genetic discrimination in insurance and employment.

4 01, 2012

Do your symptoms get worse in the winter?

By |2015-01-07T13:45:55-06:00January 4th, 2012|ASAP NEWS|

After twenty years with ASAP I’ve notice that more people seem to be diagnsosed in the winter. People also seem to have more symptoms in the winter. Not sure if it is because of being less active, the cold weather, etc. Have […]

28 10, 2011

ASAP Men’s Facebook Support Group

By |2011-12-12T21:34:34-06:00October 28th, 2011|ASAP NEWS|

This forum is an opportunity for men associated with Chiari and syringomyelia to have a private opportunity to discuss various issues and provide support in a positive manner. The forum is open to all men. Patients, Spouses, and Parents. Our goal is to bring important […]

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