Fellowships Awards
Fellowships Awards
Timothy M. George Fellowship Award
Award Amount
Fellowship Renamed, August 2020
The Board of Directors voted unanimously to rename the ASAP Chiari and Syringomyelia Fellowship in memory of Timothy M George. Dr George was well known in the Chiari /Syringomyelia community for his knowledge, dedication and care.
The award is meant to assist medical students, residents and neurosurgeons in the clinical investigation or basic science research of syringomyelia, Chiari malformation and related disorders. The American Syringomyelia & Chiari Alliance Project, Inc. sponsors this fellowship award in the amount of $10-20,000.
The fellowship is open to all medical students, neurosurgical residents and fully trained neurosurgeons at any stage of their career in the United States. The fellow will spend 6 to 12 months under the direction of a specific sponsor in clinical, translational, or basic science investigation as relevant to syringomyelia, Chiari malformation and related disorders.
Eligible Expenses
The amount of support will depend on the location and duration of the fellowship. Budget support of up to $20,000 is available. Detailed budget justification and an account of expenses incurred following completion of the fellowship are required. Residents will not be paid extra salary support that is already covered by your clinical residency program. In addition to the budgeted expenses, the cost of meeting registration and travel (economy airfare reserved at least two weeks in advance) to the ASAP Chiari & Syringomyelia Conference in the year of the fellowship will be reimbursed.
Application Requirements
- Cover letter
- Description of the proposed fellowship with education and/or research goals
- A personal statement detailing the reasons for pursuing the Fellowship and plans thereafter
- A detailed budget plan for the proposed fellowship expenses and salary justification costs
- Letter of support from designated mentor
- Letter of support from designated program
- Letter of support from the training program director, if applicable
- Current CV
- Two letters of support from neurosurgeons or other professional medical references familiar with the applicant and his/her goals and commitment
- Reprints of previous publications by the applicant pertinent to the application
- Headshot photograph
Complete the application requirements listed above and mail to:
Click here for ASAP fellowship application
For more information contact Dr Dlouhy below
The 2020 Conference was in Memory of Timothy M. George, MD
Our Recipients
2021 Recipient
ASAP is pleased to award the First Timothy M George Fellowship Award 2021 to Dr Ravindra:
Vijay Mysore Ravindra, MD
Congratulations to Dr. Ravindra, the first Timothy M. George Fellowship Award recipient. Vijay Mysore Ravindra, MD is a pediatric neurosurgeon currently practicing in San Diego and is a staff neurosurgeon at Naval Medical Center San Diego and affiliated with Rady Children’s Hospital and University of California San Diego.
2008-2009 Recipient:
Congratulations to Dr. Spiros Blackburn, a fifth year resident at the Washington University in Saint Louis. Before attending medical school at UT Southwestern in Dallas, Dr Blackburn earned a mechanical engineering degree from Old Dominion University.
He will be working under the direction of Dr. Michael Chicoine to evaluate anatomical changes in the posterior fossa during surgical decompression using intra-operative MRI. They hope to shed light on why certain patients improve with a bone-only decompression and determine if it is possible to identify these patients prior to surgery.
In addition to skull base neurosurgery, Dr. Blackburn’s subspecialty interests include cerebrovascular and endovascular surgery.
Brian J. Dlouhy, MD
ASAP Board of Directors
ASAP Medical Advisory Board
ASAP Research Committee
Neurosurgeon, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Past Participants
- 2007-2008: Sandi Lam, MD and Dr. Mathew McGirt, MD
- 2006-2007: Andrew Jea, MD
- 2005-06: Richard Reid, MD
- 2004: Joshua Medows, MD
- 2002: John C. Wellons, III, MD