ASAP’s Kids for a Cure Club

ASAP’s Kids for a Cure Club

Invisible, Uncommon, But True

What is the Kids for a Cure Club?

Kids For A Cure Club is designed for children and teens ages 5 to 19. Some of the goals include helping children find ways to cope with chronic illness, providing an outlet for kids to meet and share with others, encouraging good citizenship kfcc-logoand empowering young people by providing materials and support for those interested in promoting awareness or undertaking fundraising projects.

Kids will receive birthday cards and friendly encouragement when ASAP is notified of an upcoming hospitalization. Special events for Club members will be held at the ASAP annual conference. Exclusive materials and support are available for those Club members interested in promoting awareness or holding a fundraiser to benefit ASAP. Request a KFCC “Get Started!” Kit for more details or contact our office at [email protected].

Who Can Join?

Children and teens ages 5 through 19 may join Kids For A Cure Club. A diagnosis of SM and/or CM in a young person, in a family member or a friend is not a prerequisite. The only qualification for Kids For A Cure Club membership is an interest in ASAP.

How do I join?

Download a KIDS For A Cure Club registration form (click link) and return it to our office. Make sure a guardian signature is included. You can also join the ASAP Kids For A Cure Club group on Facebook where you can connect and share with other Kids Club members! Remember to get permission from a parent or guardian first!