ASAP’s Scholarships
We understand that chronic medical bills are a burden. We encourage those who qualify to submit an application for financial assistance where applicable.

ASAP Conference Scholarship
ASAP conferences can be an invaluable source of information for patients seeking answers. Applications for the conference scholarship will be accepted until July 1 on a first come first serve basis. All applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision no later than July 10. All decisions are final.
The ASAP conference scholarship includes waiver of the registration fee for the applicant and payment of half of one hotel room for the scholarship recipients
Scholarship Requirements:
1. Applicants or children (if applicant is the parent) must have a diagnosis of SM / CM and be a member of ASAP.
2. Prior recipients are ineligible.
3. The applicant must verify that all information is true.
4. The applicant must meet the scholarship criteria.
5. Applicants will be responsible for all additional costs not covered by the scholarship.
View the scholarship instructions and application.
Did you know you can get your travel costs sponsored by your personal supporters?
Learn more about ASAP’s LEARN Points Program.
BJO Scholarship
(Bobby Jones Open College Scholarship)
Through the generosity of the Bobby Jones Open, college scholarships are available to ASAP members diagnosed with syringomyelia (SM) and/or Chiari Malformation (CM). The scholarship is also now available to students affected by SM and/or CM.
Individual scholarship awards are $1,000 for full-time students and $500 for part-time students. Students may be of any age and attend either a two-year or four-year college as an undergraduate. Depending on funds, a total of $5,000 in new scholarships may be available each year and may be renewed annually up to an aggregate total of $4,000 per student.
New applications will be accepted from January 15 to May 15. Renewal applications (if you have received a BJO scholarship in the past) will be accepted from May 15 to June 16.
The American Syringomyelia & Chiari Alliance Project is honored to have the opportunity to offer the Bobby Jones Open College Scholarship to our members. However, we are not involved in the scoring or decision as to who will receive a scholarship. The BJO scholarship, funded through the Bobby Jones Open, is available to ASAP members fitting specific criteria. Applications are scored by the College Foundation Inc. and passed to the Bobby Jones Open, which makes the final decision about which applications to grant. The BJO has the sole responsibility to contact applicants at their discretion.
BJO Equipment Grant
(Bobby Jones Open Grant)
Grants up to $1,000 are available for qualifying ASAP members to assist with the purchase of adaptive equipment and assistive devices. You must be a member of ASAP for 6 months prior to applying for the grant, have a diagnosis of syringomyelia or Chiari, and provide a written quote for total cost of the item. Checks are made payable to both the vendor and ASAP member.
The Bobby Jones Open has made it possible for numerous ASAP members to improve their quality of life and enjoy a more independent lifestyle. Grant awardees have received help purchasing ramps, therapeutic bicycles, accessible showers, lift chairs, wheelchair accessories and more.
Download and complete the BJO Equipment Application.
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Affordable Colleges Online is a free community of resources and tools that span topics such as financial-aid and college savings strategies, online learning resources, affordability and scorecard rankings, opportunities for veterans and people with disabilities. With more adaptive technologies and progressive legislation, prospective college students with disabilities have countless resources available to make the transition to higher education less stressful.
Affordable Colleges Online offers a guide to available scholarships and financial aid for students with disabilities.
Affordable Degrees Online explains some of the lesser-known ways to reduce the cost of a college degree. Sadly, few students realize that they might be able to help bring their dream school within reach financially by taking advantage of their prior life experience, as well as select online courses (varies by school). Here are a few important features of the site:
• Most Affordable Colleges by State
• College navigation and comparison tool
Accredited Schools Online is a comprehensive accreditation resource that provides prospective students and families with the tools needed to make well-informed decisions about their education.
You can find this guidebook here.