Grant Guidelines Overview
Grant Guidelines Overview
ASAP’ Research Grant Programs
Research grant applications are invited from investigators studying clinical and basic science hypotheses relevant to the identification, management, treatment, cure, or determination of pathogenesis of syringomyelia and/or Chiari malformation.
Vision Statement: American Syringomyelia & Chiari Alliance Project (ASAP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established on May 31, 1988. Its vision is to decrease the devastating effects of syringomyelia, Chiari malformations and related disorders. ASAPs goals include: increasing public awareness of the existence of the disorders and their devastating effects; financially supporting research efforts and raising funds to find all causes, to develop new treatments and to improve existing treatments; coordinating the efforts of organizations working towards improving the lives of people with syringomyelia and/or Chiari.
Grant Description: The Medical Advisory Board and Directors of ASAP solicit research grants that are peer reviewed and must adhere to standards similar to that of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The application process is much more streamlined than traditional NIH grants to encourage applicants. The scientific goal is to award grants to those investigators that demonstrate exciting and innovative approaches to the treatment and/or contribute to our understanding of the etiology of syringomyelia and its related disorders.

We are not looking to provide bridging funding to established researchers who are between grant cycles. We are hoping to encourage innovative thinking from new investigators in this previously under researched field. Our goal is to generate enough revolutionary funding that investigators who receive an ASAP grant subsequently receive funding from more traditional sources such as the NIH.
Unsolicited Applications: Applications for research grant funding may be submitted outside the regular grant submission process following discussion with Research committee chair. ASAP reserves the right to award research funds outside of the standard grant application procedure should compelling applications be presented that fall within the scope of our research aims and should funding be available.
American Syringomyelia & Chiari Alliance Project Grants: Funds for one year of support up to $50,000 may be requested. Extensions beyond the first year of funding may be requested. Awards for extensions are based on research progress and availability of funds.
I. Application Procedure:
Research grants are available to junior and established scientists and physicians (faculty) at universities or accredited medical institutions in the United States. Non-faculty members are eligible with indication of support from faculty sponsor.
II. Deadline dates:
III. Applications should be sent to:
Please submit 4 copies of all applications to:
Brian J. Dlouhy, MD
ASAP Research Committee Chair
Neurosurgeon, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Electronic files are acceptable and should be sent to Dr Dlouhy
at [email protected]
IV. Questions about the relevance of specific proposals or specific questions about the research application itself should be directed to:
Brian J. Dlouhy, MD
ASAP Research Committee Chair
Neurosurgeon, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and University of Iowa Children’s Hospital