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1.800.ASAP.282 | info@asap.org

1.800.ASAP.282 | info@asap.org

We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P.
ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988


We Will Find An Answer A.S.A.P. ASAP, established in 1988




15 10, 2015

Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

By |2020-02-04T13:04:31-06:00October 15th, 2015|ASAP NEWS, News|

With more adaptive technologies and progressive legislature, prospective college students with disabilities have countless resources available to make the transition to higher education less stressful. Affordable Colleges Online just updated their College Resources for Students with Disabilities guidebook. You can see the guide here:

5 05, 2015

2015 Speakers Confirmed

By |2015-05-05T13:31:24-05:00May 5th, 2015|ASAP NEWS, News|

July 22-25, 2015
Marriott at Eagle Crest
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Cormac Mayer, MD
University of Michigan Health System

Speakers: Allison Ashley-Koch, PhD, Duke University; Rajiv Bapuraj, MD, University of Michigan; Ulrich Batzdorf, MD, UCLA; Paolo Bolognese, MD, NSPC; Wade Cooper, MD, University of Michigan; Leon Dure, MD, University of Alabama; […]

2 12, 2014

‘Tis the Season

By |2014-12-02T12:42:34-06:00December 2nd, 2014|ASAP NEWS|

Holidays can be extremely stressful. Shopping, cooking, parties and programs all demand time and energy that those with syringomyelia and Chiari might not have. Enjoy the holidays more by knowing your limits, schedule events to allow breaks and ask for help when needed. […]

17 11, 2014

Syringomyelia Awareness Month

By |2014-11-17T14:11:48-06:00November 17th, 2014|ASAP NEWS, News|

Syringomyelia Awareness Month

The American Syringomyelia & Chiari Alliance Project, Inc. is seeking your help in getting every state’s government office to declare May the official month for Syringomyelia Awareness.

What is a Proclamation?

A proclamation is an official declaration issued by a government office. By getting […]

28 04, 2014

Miracle Flight Expands Program

By |2014-11-06T10:09:31-06:00April 28th, 2014|ASAP NEWS, News|

In addition to their mission of providing free airline transportation for a child who must travel out-of-state for specialized medical care, They are expanding their scope of services by providing travel for children and their parents to attend medical conferences so they may learn more […]

9 04, 2014

Getting involved with Community Awareness

By |2014-04-09T16:02:57-05:00April 9th, 2014|ASAP NEWS|

Have you ever felt like you were the only person in your area diagnosed with Chiari or syringomyelia?  If you have, you are not alone.  But the fact is someone living within a few blocks might be thinking the same thing. Syringomyelia and Chiari are […]

2 04, 2014

Spring 2014

By |2014-04-02T15:33:50-05:00April 2nd, 2014|ASAP NEWS|

Winter is still holding on in some parts of the U.S. but in many areas Spring has arrived. The blue bonnets are in full bloom in Texas. It is time to get out and enjoy the warmer temperatures and sunny days. After […]

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